martedì 3 luglio 2012


che soddisfazione , finalmente , rendersi conto che dopo una vita passata a soffrire per gli altri , gli amici , niente più ha importanza quanto me stessa..è una vera vittoria e liberazione al tempo stesso.
Soprattutto sapendo di non parlare per egoismo , per falsità o ipocrisia ma solamente perchè finalmente ho raggiunto il mio scopo, la conoscenza vera pace in me stessa poichè sono sicura di me stessa , di ciò che voglio davvero e soprattutto chi voglio avere al mio fianco..e certo, si voglio degli amici ma non solo , non voglio restare sola per ognuno di loro c'è e ci sarà un posto ed un tempo senza limiti,  forse, ma non mi affretto a farmi programmi di alcun quello che sarà per quello che è , per quella che io sono diventata ora!

The Different Types of Friends There Are
The Best Friend. This kind of friend is your nonromantic soulmate. You do everything together and can talk about ingrown hairs without getting grossed out. This is the most important kind of friend to have, for obvious reasons. This person can be your greatest link to reality when you ask them if the really weird embarassing think you do all the time is crazy or something everyone does and no one talks about. You can also get sex tips, have someone pick you up when your car breaks, and know that you’ll never have to be alone when you’re bumming hard.
The Party Friend. This is the kind of friend you aren’t close with but love to be around in increments of five hours. Sometimes you wonder what they are like sober, when they are doing mundane tasks like flossing. Surely their sequined tank never comes off, surely they are never *not* the life of the party. They probably throw up in the trash can at the DMV (via hangover).
The Married Friend. This kind of friend is a good self esteem boost because they will fawn over you. Hanging out with a single person is like vacation for a married person because they get to live vicariously through you and remember what it was like to be interesting. They probably know how to cook well by this point, and have actual matching dishes and cloth napkins. Occasionally you’ll have to earn your keep with this friend by attending mundane events like baby showers and trips to Bed, Bath, and Beyond or Starbucks but it trickles down in free dinners/compliments.
The Sad, Single Friend. Descrizione: friend is living the life of The Party Friend unhappily because by some chance of fate they did not end up as The Married Friend. Most of your time with this friend is spent going out to places where she might meet someone to take her on that magical journey from single to married. She wears going out clothes constantly, watches the bachelor, and updates her facebook status constantly.
The Serial Monogamist Friend. This person is one of your best friends and you wonder why you two aren’t closer. Then, BAM, they’re in a relationship and you remember. This person disappears for months or years at a time every time they get a boyfriend/girlfriend. They’re cool when they’re single and okay when they are in a relationship but its a revolving door of so-so dudes who’s interests are suddenly put ahead of yours.
The Hot Friend. This person is very physically attractive or rich or has an amazing job/talent or something that brings you to your knees out of jealousy. You aren’t interested in being their friend but you make excuses to talk to them because you want to be them.
The Bummer Friend. Something is always going wrong for this person. They just went to see their doctor and they have Celiac disease or thyroid problems. They got dumped again. Whatever. You nod your way through most of your conversations and offer them the same generic advice you did last time they told you the same story.
The One Upping Friend. This person is weirdly competitive. They insert themselves into your daily life and seem to do everything you do a bit better (and they want you to know it!) Your interactions make you tired.

Ho probabilmente un amica per ogni caratteristica qui sopra descritta :) :) o qualche amica che ne rappresenta più di una ,ad ogni modo sono felice poichè sono talmente fortunata di avere ricevuto una seconda possibilità proprio con una di loro...

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